About Us

Promoting Lithuanian identity and culture worldwide is among national priorities of Lithuania, focusing on both the unique heritage and integrity with the Baltic region. The interest in Lithuanian language and culture is strengthened by expanding international business relations, a growing diaspora, mixed families, and new research topics. There are over 40 centres of Baltic studies and 200 Lithuanian schools worldwide, reaching over 10,000 students annually. Digital technologies open up even more possibilities: they provide access to the learners around the world, enable those with fewer opportunities, and offer inclusive and modern content.
The project diLILAC was initiated with the aim to strengthen the capacity of Lithuanian language and culture educators in higher education to provide high quality interactive and inclusive digital education. The following specific objectives are outlined to reach the aim of the project: Develop digital pedagogical competence of Lithuanian language and culture teachers in Europe; Support educators with high quality digital content and training materials; Facilitate digital mechanisms to deliver the training course(s). Project partners from Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland and Germany will exchange good practices and develop the following innovative teaching / learning tools and instruments:
- Methodology for inclusive digital Lithuanian language and culture education;
- Guidelines on organising online training programmes with large number of multicultural groups;
- Distant training module for Lithuanian language education;
- Distant training module for Lithuanian cultural education;
- Platform for participants’ engagement and management of the training courses;
- “Train the Trainer” guidebook for virtual mentors.
The outputs will promote an inclusive approach to cooperation activities, such as higher percentage of under-represented and disadvantaged groups; participation in non-formal Lithuanian language and culture studies; development of flexible distance learning formats, customization of the training. The project is a blueprint on managing mobility obstacles such as pandemic and ensuring efficient and continuous education for students, teachers and researchers, including those with fewer opportunities. By increasing digital learning opportunities on Lithuanian language and culture, HEIs strengthen their capacity to educate and raise self-aware, multicultural and tolerant generations.